Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Collective Rights: Anglophone

          Canada, a multicultural country. Many different races, cultures and languages can be found here, but have you ever thought about the anglophones? The three main groups in Canada that receive collective rights are; Aboriginal people, francophone, and anglophone. to be able to qualify for collective rights the group must be the minority of the area and NOT the majority.
         Today anglophones make up 72.2% of Canada's population. So you might ask why and how they have collective rights when they make up more than half of the population. Well, the province Quebec has francophone's as the majority, so any anglophone living in Quebec has collective rights. Before the Charter of Rights and Freedoms the laws in Quebec that affected English speakers were; all signs must be in French and all francophone's and immigrants in Quebec must attend francophone schools. Bill 101(Charte de la langue Françoise) was what enforced the laws above. Section 23 of the Charter states that a French-speaking or English-speaking minority population of sufficient size in any province has the right to publicly funded schools that serve their language community. So now everyone (anglophone/francophone) can learn in their official language. Also now commercial signs in Quebec must be in both English and French. 


  1. I’m so happy that we get to learn about anglophone rights! After all it was us anglophones that made this country what it is. The explorer John Cabot had worked for the English king and had directed English settlers to Canada so we could claim the land, and that’s just what we did. If anglophones hadn’t come to Canada this country would be speaking only French and it would just be an attachment of France. Now our government is nice enough to allow the francophones to be a part of the Canada and even government itself. The charter of rights and freedoms grants the francophones and Aboriginal collective rights so if they have it where they are the minority then it is only right and fair that anglophones have our own collective rights where we are the minority. After all we have done for the Francophones and the Aboriginal there should be no argument in what`s fair and not because they owe us our own rights. After all we gave them their own collective rights. This unit will for sure give anglophones the chance to be recognized.

    1. You forget it's the anglophone's fault that the aboriginal groups were nearly killed off even after that the damn residential schools were put into place and damn John A. MacDonald screwed over the Metis people and the government offed Louis Riel by hanging during the red river resistance

    2. So I'm not sure if you read all the comments to but this is a Social project from almost 4 years ago now. The point was to show different views on issues in Canada. I can't even remember much about the project any more.

    3. i agree with unknown

  2. Le Québec est la seule province qui a encore une forte emprise sur l'identité française.Donc, je ne comprends pas comment les anglophones ont le droit d'affaiblir notre présence au Canada. Explorateurs anglais ne sont pas les seuls à coloniser la terre!Jacques Cartier avait également découvert "Le Nouveau Monde" et après que sont venus les colons français. Si la France n'a pas envoyé à quiconque de ce qui est connucomme le Canada aujourd'hui, la vie que nous avons maintenant ne serait pas la même.Nous nous sommes battus avec les guerres et contre les Anglais, nous avons travaillédur pour rester sur la terre que nous revendiquée, et quand une offre de paix ne viennent en nous avons perdu le peu de choses nous avons effectivement eu dans la vie nouvelleque les colons ont été la création. Donc, si quelque chose, c'est seulement nous quiméritent des droits collectifs parce que ceux qui avaient ruiné la vie de nombreuxfrançais ne méritent pas leurs propres droits dans le seul et unique endroit qui a une forte emprise sur notre identité! Pour couronner le tout, même maintenant l'anglophonetenter d'affaiblir notre identité française. Donc, si quoi que ce soit les anglophonesdevraient se concentrer sur les droits collectifs des francophones et non la anglophone.


    Quebec is the only province that still has a strong hold on the French identity. So I do not understand how Anglophones have the right to weaken our presence in Canada. English explorers weren’t the only ones to settle the land! Jacques Cartier had also discovered “The New World” and after that came the French settlers. If the France didn’t send anyone to what is known as Canada now, the life we have now would NOT be the same. We fought wars with and against the English, we worked hard to stay on the land that we claimed, and when a peace offering does come in we lost the few things we actually had in the new life that settlers were creating. So if anything it is only us who deserve collective rights because those who had ruined the life of many French do not deserve their own rights in the one and only place that has a strong hold on our identity! To top it off even now the English speaking try to weaken our French identity. So if anything Anglophones should be focusing on the collective rights of the francophone and not the Anglophone.

  3. You guys need to calm down. French and English are both equally important. Just throwing it out there, the only reason Canada is the way it is, is because our culture is so accepting. Where's your multicultural spirit?
    En Français
    Vous devez vous calmer. Le Français et l'Anglais sont également important. Je juste me did comme je le vois, mais le raison le Canada est le façon que c'est, c'est parce que c'est si acceptant. Out est ton esprit multiculturel?

    1. Just so you know this is a school project from three years ago when I was in jr.high. The project was to provide contrasting opinions. I do agree with you though!! I must admit I am a little bit proud of getting a reaction because reaction leads to discussions, which can bring progress. Thank you for responding and I hope you aren't feeling offended by my project.

    2. I agree with julia, Canada is a bilingual country for a reason!

  4. 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100

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